Planning your vacation to Magic Kingdom this summer?
Be thought the gates 30 minutes earlier than the stated opening time. Get strollers and pick up a map and entertainment schedule as you enter. The entertainment schedule is crucial because it gives you showtime and characters meting times for that day.
- On Extra Magic Hour mornings, Fantasyland and Tomorrowland open first. Older kids should head straight for Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear while youger kids should start with Dumbo, Peter Pan's Flight, and the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh has offer!
- On days that are anticipated to draw large crowds, guests are allowed to travel the lenght of Main Street before the park officially opens. On less crowded days, people are usually held in the town square just in front of the railroad. Either way, several characters will be on hand to give the kids something to do while you are waiting for the ropes to drop.
- On regular mornings all sections of he park open at once. If your kids are up for it, head for Splash Mountain when the ropes drop, then on to Big Thuder Mountain Rail Road. Both May have long lines even by 9:15-if you arrive to find a 30 minute wait, get a Fastpass.